as someone who usually never likes these "baldis basics but we added more features!!!!!!", this mod did real good, i liked playing the whole game, from day mode to endless, overall a solid mod (minus some bugs)
EDIT: btw may i have the project for the mod, i may use it for a mod im making
hay dude, do you still have the open source version of the old baldi's basics ultimate edition, i want to edit and add a few things and reupload it, i'll give credit to you because, you're still the creator of the mod itself.
Some decompile has failure and wrong, also there was RIPOFF know as stolen from BBCR Recreation and BBCCS users are known this mod got RIPOFF and not only that, this mod got code definitive broken and the worst of all, it won't work anymore cuz it crashes all the time when I use BBUE open source
Maybe ask @GlassBottleGames on GameJolt so he can give you BBUE v1.2.2.5 and after that, ask Funny Frisch Chips on to make open source
hey dude i actually played for long time when it's update every first time. and i saw why Mouse Sensitivity didnt work after dueing update without fixing Mouse Sensitivity after being permanently not work?! dude please update this bug little bit! also i had feedback this with bugs at all, also thanks!
100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000/10 Good Job
It Be Cool if Pencil Boy Was ReAdded to BBC like he's a scrapped character Why Not Add Him Here? Like He Will Make You Slow For 10 Sec And 25% of Your stamina will be gone And He Have a 25 Sec Cooldown.
Also Maybe You can add music to joe to know where he's coming form.
And Also to can you add a Stop Time item That Stops Time For 15 Sec. But You Cant Get Any Notebooks or items/Use items When Time Stops. Good Idea?
1. Agreed, that would be very helpful to players who haven't memorized the map.
2. Agreed, I will fix that in the next update.
3. Kinda have to disagree, because that's part of Joe's character mechanic, although I do agree that it's a bit annoying, so I'll slow him down in the next update so the player has more time to decide what item they want to give up if their inventory is full.
4. I won't be adding any items from BB+ as I want most of the items to be custom.
5. Interesing idea, but if i did something like that it'd probably have to be capped to 1 item per locker, so it's not too overpowered.
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as someone who usually never likes these "baldis basics but we added more features!!!!!!", this mod did real good, i liked playing the whole game, from day mode to endless, overall a solid mod (minus some bugs)
EDIT: btw may i have the project for the mod, i may use it for a mod im making
didn't you read the title? this project is on hold and I won't be continuing it for a while
damn... silly kids
No fighting
The immaturity must come to a hault like srsly, please...
Are U Tails The Fox From Sonic
Are U Tails The Fox From Sonic
And Please UnBlock me On GameJoit
Then Change Ur Profile
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This was a fantastic Baldi's Basics mod! I really liked the effort you put into this!
Here is for prerelease 3 suggestion
Added minimap
ReAdded new Items: Hamburger and Speedy Shoes
Added New Items: ESODA
Updated BSODA:

Replaced Christmas With: Party Mode
Updated Playtime Model (Credit by JSP)
Updated Sign Exit (Credit by JSP)
Updated Staminometer texture (Credit by JSP)
(Ask JSP For permission)
he wont because he doesn't steal content lmao
Can i have job
hay dude, do you still have the open source version of the old baldi's basics ultimate edition, i want to edit and add a few things and reupload it, i'll give credit to you because, you're still the creator of the mod itself.
Well, I deleted and here is the reason:
Some decompile has failure and wrong, also there was RIPOFF know as stolen from BBCR Recreation and BBCCS users are known this mod got RIPOFF and not only that, this mod got code definitive broken and the worst of all, it won't work anymore cuz it crashes all the time when I use BBUE open source
Maybe ask @GlassBottleGames on GameJolt so he can give you BBUE v1.2.2.5 and after that, ask Funny Frisch Chips on to make open source
Oh ok...
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I have the files if you want, but how can I send them to you?
Gmail i guess, my gmail is
hey dude i actually played for long time when it's update every first time. and i saw why Mouse Sensitivity didnt work after dueing update without fixing Mouse Sensitivity after being permanently not work?! dude please update this bug little bit! also i had feedback this with bugs at all, also thanks!
Can You Make a Gamejoit Account So You Can Upload a Game.
Here is for prerelease 3 suggestion
Updated Staminometer texture (Credit by JSP)
Re-Added Night Mode
Now fonts are now 1.4.3
Updated new inventory (Credit by xTPSx)
Updated Items
BSODA (Credit by xTPSx)
Zesty Bar (Credit by xTPSx)
Updated Sign Exit (Credit by JSP)
Updated Door (Credit by JSP)
Updated Playtime Model (Credit by JSP)
Re-Added YCTP, With More Subject and On/Off system (Credit by JSP)
I hope you will update this
okay no
I'm not just gonna steal a bunch of other people's sprites, I want this decompile to feel original
and I'm not taking random suggestions for new content either
Maybe you can use these if you ask xTPSx permission on Discord or Discord Group
and of JSP stuff? JSP allows people to use all stuff for FREE
I dont think you understand, i am not going to use other people's stuff, even if i could, i wouldn't
Um Can you friend me on GameJolt please
It's TheWin10Gaming
burhh the mouse sensitivity dost not work fix this right now!!!
yeah i just made it higher cus idk how to fix it yet
and also sometimes holding esc dost not exit the game did you not playtest the main menu at all? also i like the update so far. so yeah
yeah that also doesnt work sometimes heheh
...ok this update is kinda broken
100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000/10 Good Job
Do u take game requests?
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Play my mod here:
Are you Working on a open source Project
(Yes Or No)
Are You Stilt Working On A Moddable Version
(Yes Or No)
...I don't remember ever saying I'd be working on a modable version?
Plus I don't want people making mods of this decompile anyways
Are You working on a modable version?
(Yes Or No)
he said no and you cannot mod it
nice decompile mod.
Hello. I made a gameplay video on your mod. You can add it if you want. I also like how the music changes depending on what mode your playing.
I saw. Thanks for playing.
My Suggestion: Add Explore On/Off
(Yes Or No)
add mrs. Pomp and the test because i missed 2 of these guys
he said there will be no Baldi's Basics plus content in the mod
>:( Fuck You !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:(
don't say swears :)
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hey can you add the 5 item slots and staminometer into the BBCRR Mod like you did in this mod?
Will Not be 5 slots, 3 slots only.
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Here's a video that reports all of the bugs in this mod so far
thanks for reporting, these'll be fixed in the next update
can you ask SeenWonderAlex for a android version support or can you do it by yourself bc i wanna play this!
I do plan to bring this mod to android at some point, but it'll likely be much later in delevopment.
oh man but pls add mrs. Pomp and the test!
hey mr wither. can i upload a video that reports all the bugs are in it cus why not
will you remove christmas mode because it's not christmas anymore
perhaps, but if were to do that I'd probably replace it with a 'party mode' or something
Do you use a level editor? if so, what do you use?
this game is made with Unity.
And that's the same program I'll use for any future Baldi Fangames or decompiles......
Oh cool!
Truly beautiful.
It Be Cool if Pencil Boy Was ReAdded to BBC like he's a scrapped character Why Not Add Him Here? Like He Will Make You Slow For 10 Sec And 25% of Your stamina will be gone And He Have a 25 Sec Cooldown.
Also Maybe You can add music to joe to know where he's coming form.
And Also to can you add a Stop Time item That Stops Time For 15 Sec. But You Cant Get Any Notebooks or items/Use items When Time Stops. Good Idea?
Can i Mod This mod?
uhhhh not sure about that at the moment
Did not expect there to be a mobile as usual but the game is awesome
Ah, better than original Baldi's Basics Classic!
Can U Follow My Mods And Follow me Please
UnBlock me
And Make a New Header And Profile For Me
No, also I'm friends with Timpy Team.
Make a New Header And Profile For Me
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Here is a gameplay video for this mod, witherskull8842. By the way, I love this Baldi’s Basics mod including the Christmas mode of this mod.
Can You a new item Called: Ice cream. in the next update?
I Hope you will like it.
Eh, maybe, what does it do though?
Prerelease 2?
We are plan
It may require you to create a custom character that loves ice cream for it or something, but it can usually do something else.
His name Called: ice Cream lover
I can send over some C# Scripts privately, and maybe when I become better at modeling, I can maybe also send over a model texture for the character.
Things That I Want For The Next Update:
1. A Mini Map (to Make it Easy to know where the books are)
2. Fix The Player Being Stuck to the walls and desks (cus it's annoying)
3. Make Joe Not replace your items
4. An Apple For Baldi item
5. Blue Lockers That Can Have Random items
Sorry This is a Lot of Stuff to Add But If You Can Add That Stuff i will be Happy Btw I Love The Baldi Mod/Decompile!
1. Agreed, that would be very helpful to players who haven't memorized the map.
2. Agreed, I will fix that in the next update.
3. Kinda have to disagree, because that's part of Joe's character mechanic, although I do agree that it's a bit annoying, so I'll slow him down in the next update so the player has more time to decide what item they want to give up if their inventory is full.
4. I won't be adding any items from BB+ as I want most of the items to be custom.
5. Interesing idea, but if i did something like that it'd probably have to be capped to 1 item per locker, so it's not too overpowered.
well i got a bug that baldi can walk form lock doors for somehow
oof, that'll be fixed in the next update
this is NOICE
Did you not made the cool baldi roblox game!
Ooo 👀 Btw i Hope there's a 32 Bit One if not i going to cry in my bed
Hello Witherskull8842, I'm here :))